
Test computer-

Speed test.  Generate 2^32 random numbers with Discordia.  Keyed with "hi there<cr><^d>" Time measured with the UNIX time command is 34 minutes or 2.1 million random bytes generated a second.

Visual inspection of random numbers generated with my Keyhole program.

Numbers at the beginning of a 2^32 generation run-

Discordia random number visual

Numbers at about the 3 Gig mark-

Discordia random number visual

Discordia 1.1 having problems-

DIscordia having problems

The algorithm for Keyhole is simple-

During development of the Chaotic Random Core, the Ent program was used extensively in order to get a sense of direction.  Dieharder was then used.

Ent and Dieharder were benchmarked with 20K bytes of "noise" from  The gpg implementation of AES (with compression) was also used as a bench mark.

The Chaotic Random Core output compares favorabely with the benchmarks generated with data from

AES tended to do better on Dieharder with the least number of "weak" results.  However on long generation runs the chi square distribution of AES falls flat as far as randomly exceeding the calculated value as reported by Ent.  With the Chaotic Random Core, if the chi square distribution hangs around 255 and randomly exceeds it 50% of the time, the rest of the numbers reported by ent also tend to look good.

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